this mod push the npc sims to eat outside the rabbithole retaurants (you must put tables and chairs around the rabbithole), giving it a more alive look, which was something peoples asked. Seit Juni 2010 installiert ihr Mods für Die Sims 3 mit einem Framework, welches ihr beispielsweise im Sims-3-Forum finden könnt. Note, however, that this is tuning mod, overriding certain resources of the game Die Sims 3: Die besten Mods vorgestellt. A fun creation by C821118, this extension adds the option to employ teens in the game. The Hire Teen for Restaurant Mod is definitely the perfect extension for you if you want to hire teens in your restaurant. Thankfully, the amazing modding community never lets down, which is why we've included five additional gameplay-changing mods Custom Diner Mod The Sims 3 - YouTub That being said, even The Sims 3 has its flaws. At a time like this when The Sims 5 might just be in development and The Sims 4 has grown extremely stale, there's no better opportunity to go back to The Sims 3. Popular Recently: Sims 4 Sims 3 Sims 2 No Initial Roomie Relationships.
An Alternative to the Bistro Mod The Sims is one of the largest Sims 2, Sims 3 and Sims 4 custom content websites, providing quality free downloads, tutorials, help and modding discussions. As long as you have tables and chairs installed on the lot, your Sims can eat outside, and nothing prevents you from setting the outdoors dining room as a very chic terrace, or as a pizzeria with checkered clothes on tables. Please read, there's some important notes! I've converted few decorative objects from Sims 4 Dine Out, but once again, the meshes are very blocky, and the texture very low quality.I still converted them because I thought I could eventually use them, but left apart all the stuff I know they will never fit in Sims 3 games (plants will be made later! The base game offers a restaurant where you can see your Sims eating: it's the Bistrot. There's no more CC, but a little Store Content by EA Große Auswahl an ‪De Sims 3 - De sims 3†I used CC to build this lot, the bowed sunshade columns by matomibotaki on tsr, McDonalds Signs by Carlos on simminginmagnificantstyle and the Business as unusual Bistroset mod by Ani on MTS. I usually do it the second way and add other things to the lot, like a LN bar upstairs for pre-dinner cocktails, maybe some video games or other things to do on the lot, or it can just be used as is This Building is inspired by the 7th McDonalds Take-away-Restaurant, build in the year 1953.
Buy Business As Usual on The Sims 3 Store: LINK Download ani's Business as Unusual Mod: LINK Install the Store set with the Launcher (or decrap first, it if you don't have the original version), put ani's package files in your mods folder Your active sims can hire staff and run the restaurant, which I found incredibly annoying as far as trying to make a living goes, or just have it as an open venue to visit and have/share a meal. The best way to run a restaurant in The Sims 3 is with The Business As Usual Bistro Set + ani's modification of that set. This mod allows them to eat outside of any diner. Finde ‪De Sims 3‬ By default sims can't eat outside of a diner, but they can at the bistro. Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay! Über 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis Das ist das neue eBay.